You Can Finally Afford a TeslaThe article evaluates a lithium-ion battery for storing energy named the Powerwall from automotive company Tesla Motors.FRANZEN, CARLPopular Science
You can’t stop thinking about owning a Tesla. I get it, I was there… You make decent money and/or have good enough credit to get a loan and/or have a chunk of money for a down payment You “technically” can afford it, but it’s a stretch and is way more expensive than you ...
to the bitcoin system without applying for a license or authorization. in effect, he is seeking a ruling that would make it illegal for developers to iterate on the bitcoin code without his say so, and that would afford him control over the main software used to plug into the bitcoin ...
Now, electric car producers, such as Tesla, have switched to LFP batteries. In addition to being more ethically sourced, the metals in an LFP battery are far less costly than NMC batteries, so the batteries can be made as much as 30% more cheaply than an equivalent NMC battery. And the...
“I would think that if Elon Musk has enough money to buy Twitter and send rockets to space, he can afford to include AM radio in his Teslas,” Gottheimer said in a statement, referring to the Tesla CEO who also leads SpaceX. “Instead, Elon Mus...
“There are a few things…if you want to be an innovative company that you have to do.“First of all, I think innovation is a point of view. You have to actually select people that are a part of the company who want to innovate and explore. Being a pioneering company and an ...
I love this quote from Bezos: “If you double the number of experiments you do per year you’re going to double your inventiveness.” If you ask most CEOs, they’ll tell you that experimentation is imperative for their business. It’s how new innovations are born and how they stay compe...