But there are various options that let you learn more from the same data in different ways. So you could select "learn" instead of "flashcards," and then the question would be given only with multiple choice answers, for a more active learning approach. This sampleQuizlet lesson planoffers...
Students can also browse the millions of study sets created by other users. As a student, I found that if I searched Quizlet for a study set about any topic or even a specific textbook, someone else had likely made one. Recently, Quizlet added two features teachers can use to create...
Replace multiple choice worksheets with online review games.Multiple choice worksheets provide feedback at the speed a teacher grades it. Online review games provide students with instant feedback after answering a question. Check out any of what I call “The Big Five”:Kahoot!,Quizizz,Quizlet Li...
To use that image, add the corresponding class to your element.Advantages:Reduce the number of HTTP requests for multiple images (only one single request is required per spritesheet). But with HTTP2, loading multiple images is no longer much of an issue. Advance downloading of assets that won...
To use that image, add the corresponding class to your element.Advantages:Reduce the number of HTTP requests for multiple images (only one single request is required per spritesheet). But with HTTP2, loading multiple images is no longer much of an issue. Advance downloading of assets that won...
Students can also browse the millions of study sets created by other users. As a student, I found that if I searched Quizlet for a study set about any topic or even a specific textbook, someone else had likely made one. Recently, Quizlet added two features teachers can use to creat...
To use that image, add the corresponding class to your element.Advantages:Reduce the number of HTTP requests for multiple images (only one single request is required per spritesheet). But with HTTP2, loading multiple images is no longer much of an issue. Advance downloading of assets that won...