It's common for dogs to scoot or drag their bottoms across the ground after doing their business -- especially if their stool is loose. But if a dog scoots a lot all day, see your vet. Scooting can mean impacted anal glands, which you should get your vet to treat. It could also ...
Dogs can't get HIV and they can't get hepatitis C. There is a form of hepatitis that dogs can get, but it is not the same as what humans can get. Hope that clarifies things for you! Dr. Marie.Customer reply: Dear DR. Marie, Thank you so much your advice. You've been a real...
campylobacter, and E. coli. These are all bacteria that can cause stomach upsets in humans but can be prevented by washing your hands thoroughly after you have touched a fox or their feces. The same is true forCryptosporidium
c. ozone kills cryptosporidium. d. inhaling low concen Explain the important points regarding the molecule of 'Benzene'. Explain why the the structure of a molecule/compound is important. Explain why an experiment determined the charges on the o...
The incommodious accessibility to safe drinking water increases the probability of the ingress of problems associated with contaminated water into any society, with the prominent ones signaling the outbreak of infectious water-borne diseases such as cholera, cryptosporidium, cyclosporiasis, diarrhea, ...
mansoni infection in humans. When peripheral blood CD3+ cells isolated from chronically infected individuals with an asymptomatic intestinal form of the disease were incubated with SEAs of S. mansoni, nearly 30% of these cells became apoptotic (7). In the present study, we have shown that ...