This will help regulate her blood sugar. 2. Helps With Arthritis Relief Have a dog who’s in her golden years? Cinnamon is especially beneficial for senior dogs. As our pets age, arthritis becomes a potential problem that can affect their mobility. But there’s no need for your dog to ...
This medicine can cause a condition called ARIA which does not usually cause any symptoms but serious symptoms can occur. ARIA is most commonly seen as temporary swelling in areas of the brain that usually resolves over time. Some people may also have small spots of bleeding in or on the su...
When you're constipated, the intestines can swell, and poop might get stuck. This swelling can cause not only discomfort in the tummy but also in the back. The back pain is usually like a dull, aching feeling. Is Back Pain A Potential Result Of Constipation? Yes, constipation can cause ...
Being overweight also raises your risk for high blood pressure and high cholesterol, all of which can cause serious damage to the heart over time. There will be less stress on your heart when you lose weight, and you’ll be less likely to develop heart disease. There are countless other b...
As the blood fills the erectile tissue, the tissue swells and gets larger and firmer. The swelling compresses the veins that let blood flow out of the penis, so your penis stays erect. Diabetes can cause problems with blood flow in your extremities, including your penis. High blood sugar ...
Scissor trusses are more expensive to build due to their use of more material, but they provide better support against high winds and heavy snow loads that may cause problems for other types of roofs. We’ll discuss these two types of roofing joists and how they differ from each other so...
High blood sugar levels can cause diabeticneuropathy, or nerve damage. Damaged nerves can lead to a range of problems, from mild numbness to pain that interferes with normal activities. You may not even feel a cut or sore, for example, if you have nerve damage in your foot.14 ...
Avoid the conditions like elevated BMI, high blood pressure, and high sugar level- if you want to seek any kind of help, there is always a doctor and friend who must be there by your side. Also, there is nothing wrong with asking a question about anything to any doctor. If you feel...
What causes high platelets and low hemoglobin? Can low platelets cause miscarriage? Can low hemoglobin cause leg swelling? What are the symptoms of low blood platelet count? Can baby aspirin cause a low platelet count? Can low hemoglobin cause stroke?
Research shows that blood flow to organs can be compromised, the gut can leak dangerous toxins into the body, killing cells that can cause deadly inflammatory responses. This can also contribute to blood clots. Other symptoms of heat stress include swelling in the lower limbs, heat rash on th...