Red:A bright red blotch or color on your stool likely indicates gastrointestinal bleeding, probably from the rectum, hemorrhoids, or the large intestine. Eating red foods, like beets or tomatoes, may cause temporary reddish stool. Pale (white, gray, yellowish):Pale stools can indic...
Blood sugar spikes can cause your blood vessels to harden and narrow, which can lead to damage to your heart. Controlling blood glucose can help prevent and delay the onset of complications, including heart disease, stroke and damage to your nerves and kidneys, advises theAmerican Diabetes Associ...
A change in stool shape also could be cause for concern. Stools that are narrow and pencil-thin are thought by some experts to be a symptom of colon cancer. "It could be a sign of obstruction in the lower part of the colon," which means the bowel is partially blocked, getting in the...