Before you become concerned, you may experience normal temporary changes in stool colors can be due to what we consume, as you’ll see below, but any color change that cannot be explained by something you consumed and does not quickly resolve should be discussed with your doctor...
Sugar can cause arthritis. Sugar can cause learning disorders in school children. Sugar assists the uncontrolled growth of Candida Albicans (yeast infections). Sugar can cause gallstones. Sugar can cause heart disease. Sugar can cause appendicitis. Sugar can cause hemorrhoids. Sugar can cause varico...
A change in stool shape also could be cause for concern. Stools that are narrow and pencil-thin are thought by some experts to be a symptom of colon cancer. "It could be a sign of obstruction in the lower part of the colon," which means the bowel is partially blocked, getting in the...
stool softeners can be used on a short-term basis to relieve constipation by people who should avoid straining during bowel movements because of heart conditions, hemorrhoids, and other problems.
Infection in the large intestine can lead to ___. a. Appendicitis. b. Cavities. c. Hemorrhoids. d. None of the above. The Large Intestine: The large intestine is primarily responsible for absorbing excess water, vitamins, and minerals from dige...
which is the front-runner for keeping your digestive system healthy.Fiber is the part of foodyour body cannot digest. By absorbing water and adding bulk to increase the size and soften your stool, fiber helps prevent constipation, hemorrhoids,irritable bowel syndrome,dive...