A so-called “juvenile” turtle (6 months to 1 year old) can tolerate short periods of fasting, however, this may negatively impact their growth and therefore fasting them for more than a day isn’t advised. An adult turtle should eat, on average, every 2 to 3 days.However...
Hamsters are lovely small animals which are similar to mice.and some people 1ike to keep them as pets.They need to eat a balanced diet.or they can become very sick.That’s why hamsters should be fed healthy foods.Most pet stores sell hamster mix.This
Your pet considers your family its flock, and long periods of being isolated can cause the bird severe anxiety. In case you have to leave home for long periods, that might explain the screaming. Even if you don’t exactly leave the bird alone at home, it might suffer from separation anxi...
Border terriers were bred to hunt small game; they don't make good pets for households where hamsters or gerbils reside for that very reason. However, if you're looking for a competitive breed, you can't do better than these wiry dogs. Border terriers have been known to annihilate the ...
Water bottles can also hold more water than water bowls. That means you can face your daily activity for much longer periods withoutworrying about whether your pet needs more wateror not. If you have several hamsters in a single cage, then you should go for a water bottle. It is a smart...
They might not be as choosy as hamsters that need different chambers for various activities but still require a lot of space to move around easily. In addition, rats tend to grow very quickly. Hence, when you are buying a rat cage, consider what their size would be in just a couple of...
Hi, My cat has suffered from flu from approx 8 mths old but these days never seems to get any flu-free periods at all. He has been tested twice for FIV i...