Not even your precious memories are safe from hackers. That much was made clear at the annualDEF CONhacking conference in Las Vegas, where a security researcher demonstrated just how easy it is to remotely encrypt a digital camera withransomware. And once that happens, you can say goodbye to...
Chris Snyder
When you see an ad on a web page, behind the scenes an ad network has just automatically conducted an auction to decide which advertiser won the right to present their ad to you. Credit: Eric Zeng,CC BY-ND Each day, you leave digital traces of what you did, where you went, who you...
Your smartphone also contains lots of your confidential data that can infringe your privacy if got into the wrong hands. With cybercriminals using advanced technology to conduct online crimes, the spying on phones and stealing private data has increased considerably. The disturbing thing is spying,...
Hackers are able to decipher PINs and passwords just from the way we tilt our phone when we are typing in the information. Cyber experts at Newcastle University, UK, have revealed the ease with which malicious websites, as well as installed apps, can spy on us using just the information ...
Hackers can bypass MFA in much the same way as they would for two-factor authentication, where there is just a username and password. Below are some of the most common ways that MFA can be bypassed: Social Engineering Social engineering techniques, such as phishing, is a common way for att...
error 0xA00F429E<PageOpenFailed> is one of the problems a Windows user has to face while accessing the camera through a built-in application or third-party software. This error won't allow your camera to work properly, as it gives a message saying that your camera could not be started....
Spyware allows hackers to track your phone activity, sometimes even letting them listen in on your calls directly. Usually, there’s an easy way to check if a malicious application is draining your phone’s battery life. Navigate to your battery settings to see your apps sorted by power ...
I’m generally okay with most of the things the EU has done to foster competition, but this might be a step too far. Hijacking the landing page of my default browser, even only once, is a security risk. If the EU can do it, so can hackers. ...
Before a user who has downloaded BingeChat even registers, the app sends all of their call logs, contacts, text messages, device location and other information about their phone to a command and control (C&C) server controlled by the hackers behind this campaign. Sign up...