SinceDragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, Divine Ki has become a core aspect of the franchise. This power is primarily utilized by Gods of Destruction and their Angel attendants, and it's also the source of Goku and Vegeta's Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue transformations. Saiyans aren't...
"Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War" will be retelling the final arc from the manga of the same name by Tite Kubo. While the initial series focused on Ichigo Kurosaki and his classmates as they came to terms with their burgeoning supernatural powers, the newest story will see the Soul R...
Gokushoku Ichidai Onna Alice Douzai Innocent La verite The truth Renge Yuuren Ranse Eroica [Fate/Extra] Theme Song Bianca Kamikaze Divine Wind Ame no Sonata ~La Pluie~ Sonata of Rain ~The Rain~ Hibotan (Fei Hong de Mu Dan) Nikutai no Akuma Demons of the Flesh Escargot Kiyu...