Only after I was willing to ask, accept help, feel, and share my emotions was I able to move through to the other side. Being stoic only made everyone around me feel comfortable, while it hijacked my pain into numbness. Sharon slowly, in time, guides me back to living life again with...
和第一季不同,这一季的字幕可是相当糟糕,并且目前网上根本找不到能看的翻译,有一些甚至版本出现了严重误导,影响到了对于剧情的理解,于是不才的我斗胆想到做这样一个整理与重译,希望各位轻喷并指证。 刨除非常专业的医学术语,其实豪斯医生里的台词是很耐人寻味且具有哲理的,这里列出这季每一集里出现的长难句和名言...
then they're following you to the bathroom or shouting for attention from across the room. No one said parenting was easy! Regardless, after some rest and perhaps a quick nap, she'll likely feel better about her pups napping on top of her. ...
Being cute is somewhat akin to being a little baby child with a general feel of lovability and affection towards the outlook of the body stature. Cuteness is best demonstrated through small babies who have all the key features that usually attract the eyes of all and sundry and make a person...
But the numerical component isn’t about how many frogs you’ve tried kissing until you’ve found your prince or princess. No. The number that matters is what level of person you are in terms of what your ideal partner sees as valuable. Did that make sense? Let me break it down or ...
aIf one day you feel like crying, call me. I don’t promise that I will make you laugh, but I can cry with you. If one day you want to run away, don’t be afraid to call me. I don’t promise to ask you to stop, but I can run with you. If one day you don’t want ...
A full moon seems to have brought the frogs and crickets back to life, and their chorus has started to fill the evening air. I say this, and today’s high on this mostly cloudy day…will be 53 degrees lol. It’s strange how small changes can make such a big difference (in more ...