Private student loans can help cover the costs of your room and board, including dorm fees or off-campus housing expenses, like rent for an apartment or a home. This financial support allows you to focus on your studies without worrying about housing costs. If you take this route, though,...
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Final thoughts If you’re an unaccompanied homeless youth, you may be eligible to receive federal student aid, and there are resources in place to support your journey to higher education. Keep this in mind as you pursue education ...
Paying for graduate school in the U.S. as aninternational studentcan be challenging, especially without the same financial aid benefits offered to domestic students. However, there are options if you don't have the funds to pay. “While international students cannot recei...
The organization's Opportunity Scholarship offers undocumented students living in areas without access to in-state tuition up to $80,000 to cover tuition, fees and on-campus housing and meals. Meanwhile, the Golden Door Scholarship provides eligible undocumented students or students wi...
If you decide to live off-campus, your student loans can also be used to cover rent and utilities expenses. This provides flexibility in choosing your living arrangements and allows you to find housing that best suits your needs. It’s important to budget wisely and find a living situation ...
This may include on-campus housing and meal plans, or off-campus housing costs if the student is enrolled at least half-time. Student Loan Debt In 2019, 529 plan policies were changed so they can be used directly for student loan repayment. ...
Students must file the FAFSA® to access federal financial aid, but federal financial aid doesn’t prevent students from receiving scholarship money. In many cases, to receive scholarship funds, students must file the FAFSA®. Still, there’s something called scholarship displacement that does ...
Financial Aid Offices:Keep in touch with your college’s financial aid office to stay informed about additional scholarship opportunities, changes in aid policies, and any financial concerns that may arise. By utilizing the various campus resources available to you, you can enhance your educational ...
students who are unable to travel home to countries heavily affected by the coronavirus. If a student is denied the chance to stay on campus, there may be an appeals process. If not, students should ask colleges about possible relocation assistance or alternate housing options...
At an off-campus event for the “politically homeless” and anti-Trump Republicans, former RNC Chair Michael Steele advocated for voting for President Joe Biden — despite any concerns about his health. “Joe Biden got Covid today. Oh my God, here we go,” Steele...