Hilary Brueck
Can a wound turn cancerous? Sometimes, even a tiny cut can have serious and unexpected consequences. New research reveals that even a minor fleshwound can cause previously dormant cancer cells to develop into tumors. How is a ulcerated tumor treated? The chemotherapy drug used most to treat ul...
Still, these images can only take you so far. You may be able to see a growth. Certain things about the image might even suggest that it’s likely to be cancerous. But there are many benign (noncancerous) tumors that look very much like cancerous growths. That’s why, if your doc...
Removal of armpit lymph nodes can leave many breast cancer patients with lingering lymphedema, a painful and unsightly swelling of the arm. Ad Now, new Swedish research may help narrow down which patients require extensive lymph removal, based on the number and size of tumors infiltrating lymph ...
"When it comes to cancer, there’s more than one way to beat it, so honokiol doesn’t stop at one. Instead, it attacks cancer on multiple fronts, fighting tumors head-on.It starts by making sure the tumors can’t supply themselves with the nutrients they need to thrive...This research...
Learn about the tumors that can grow on the spinal cord. Find out which ones are cancer, and what symptoms they can cause.
A pelvic ultrasound can often detect bladder cancer, even when they are being done for other reasons because the bladder needs to be full to create clear pictures of all the organs and structures in the pelvis, which in turn creates a clear picture of the bladder. Cysts and tumors within ...
Obesity, especially among older women. That's because fatty tissue produces more estrogen. There are also a number of things that can lower your odds of developing breast cancer, including: Having a preventive mastectomy, usually done if you have a high-risk gene mutation like ...
Dermatologists have long used cryosurgery to remove benign or precancerous skin lesions, including: Molluscum contagiosum, or water warts Hypertrophic/keloid scars Seborrheic keratosis Skin tags Solar lentigo Verruca Cancer doctors use cryosurgery to treat tumors on the skin and certain visible tumors ...
The potentially lifesaving technique uses nanotechnology to reveal small cancerous tumors and cardiovascular lesions deep inside the body. It is showing promise in early tests by Rutgers researchers in the schools of engineering and pharmacy.