1) Computer and internet usage Here’s how your employer can monitor your computer and internet usage: Keyloggers: Keyloggers record every keystroke made on company-provided devices. This can reveal everything from emails to passwords. Web monitoring software: Employers often deploy softw...
Learn to build functional IoT solutions such as an environmental sensor and an activity monitor that you can feature in your CV or portfolio of work – showcasing your skills to peers, professors or prospective employers. Deploying TinyML
However, otherwise, it is impossible for the administrator to access what you’re doing on your screen. Beware, though – if you’re using your company laptop and there is spyware, chances are that your screen is accessed by your employers. Does Microsoft Teams Notify Users of Their Activity...
2. If someone literally hacked into your account and got the data Through computer tools (not accessible to the common citizen), it is possible to obtain access data. However, this comes at a high professional level which, unless you have powerful “enemies”, is highly unlikely to happen....
There may be valid reasons for monitoring workers — to improve workplace safety, for instance, or safeguard against dangerous behavior. But workplace surveillance can also become invasive and break the trust between employer and employee, according to a
Monitorization is important. Being aware of your server’s usage when it’s live is crucial. LocalXpose integrates easily usage logs and statistics. The IP addresses of the visitors are displayed, along with other information. A coder who knows their stuff will tell you that the key to succe...
A spy app, also known as "spyware", is a program that can monitor a smartphone and the activities of a person. Employers use these apps for employees for workplace surveillance and parents use them to track their children's activities. With the help of these apps, it's possible to spy...
If you have more than one monitor rigged up to your PC and each running a different application, you can add a mouse for each monitor. That way you can easily switch between screens. There are different software applications that can allow your Windows PC to differentiate between multiple mous...
If the iPad is managed by your employer, perhaps via an MDM platform, then it is very possible that software may be loaded by your employer to monitor your activity on the iPad. The best advice, which is equally applicable to any computer, is to assume that if it is supplied by and/...
Let’s start off with your front desk staff. When you’re behind a computer for 8-10 hours per day, the back pain and carpal tunnel struggle are real. Ergonomic support services (think high-quality chairs, monitor risers, standing desks and wrist supports) make sure...