“BothWaymoanditscompetitorCruise, whichisownedbyGM, havebeenblamedforrunningredlights, blockingpublicbusesandgettinginthewayofemergencyresponders.(Waymo和它的竞争对手Cruise(由通用汽车拥有)都因闯红灯、堵塞公共汽车和妨碍应急人员而被指责)”可知,自动驾驶汽车正因争议和失误而陷入困境,同时,Waymo和它的竞争对手...
likealibrary.Thepenguinsweredeadsilent.Myheartachedforthepainfulbirds.Cleaningthem allseemedlikeanimpossibletask.Butwehadtocarryonlikedoctorsinanemergencyroom. Therewasnotimefordoubt.Cleaningoiloffapenguinwasn?teasy.Evenwithmorethan12,500 volunteers,ittookamonthtobatheall20,000birdsatthecenter. Whilevolunteers...
“I moved into the flat upstairs a few weeks ago and I wondered if you’ve got any milk? I’ve run out and I’ve got a visitor and I need some milk for making coffee.” “Sure. Milk. Yeh. Right. I’ll get it in the fradge…..fridge…….now,” stammered Ian, goggling at ...
Maintenance: Ensure your vehicle undergoes thorough maintenance before the trip. Check oil levels, tire pressure, brakes, and ensure all lights are functiona Emergency Kit: Pack a comprehensive emergency kit including a spare tire, tire-changing tools, jumper cables, tow ropes, and basic repair to...
4 Points - Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicle I always think about who that ambulance, fire truck or police car is off to go help. What if it was someone you love? Get out of their way. 4 Points - Driving on Wrong Side of Road ...
I felt myself turning a little red in the face. “Er, well, I think you’ve maybe guessed already that if I’d been on the road I wouldn’t have ended up in your garden.” He raised one eyebrow. “I was riding on the pavement to avoid the traffic-lights,” I confessed. “Whic...
Red flashing lights and the extended stop sign mean the bus has stopped and is now letting passengers on or off. Passing vehicles must be stopped at this point. According to NHTSA, nearby vehicles can only pass once the lights stop flashing, the stop sign is withdrawn and the bus begins ...
Red flashing lights and the extended stop sign mean the bus has stopped and is now letting passengers on or off. Passing vehicles must be stopped at this point. According to NHTSA, nearby vehicles can only pass once the lights stop flashing, the stop sign is withdrawn and the bus begins ...
If you see flashing lights on the side of the road, move over! Whenever someone gets pulled over by the cops or there are emergency vehicles on the road to help someone, move over and get out of their way. It is for their safety but also, if that ambulance or fire truck was on th...
I felt myself turning a little red in the face. “Er, well, I think you’ve maybe guessed already that if I’d been on the road I wouldn’t have ended up in your garden.” He raised one eyebrow. “I was riding on the pavement to avoid the traffic-lights,” I confessed. “Whic...