Technically, yes, dogs can have apple cider, but whether they should is a different issue. First, most dogs will probably not enjoy apple cider for its excessive sweetness, which canines don't generally crave. Some apple cider doesn't contain added sweetener since apples are already sweet as ...
The main risk of giving a dog cucumber to snack on is that it could be a choking hazard, which could happen if the slices are too big. Some dogs might also have trouble digesting the skin of the cucumber. That said, there are pretty simple fixes for each of these issues. First, be ...
Dogs themselves, on the other hand, are not shy about their love for food. As every cute puppy owner knows, if there's food about you can guarantee your canine is in the vicinity, sniffing, drooling and putting on their best sad puppy eyes. You have to have a heart of ...
First things first; so what have the dogs been up to? Dogs like Cheetos. In fact, I’m pretty sure this dog likes Cheetos more than we do. Sam likes thumbs from leather gloves. I caught him before he ate the whole thing. I’m not joking about eating it; either he ate the thumb...
In rare cases, they may even join in human activity. For example, magpies have helped me garden by walking in parallel to my weeding activity and displacing soil as I did. One magpie always perched on my kitchen window sill, looking in and watching my every move. ...
We were so broke I used to steal hot dogs in gas stations. That was my go-to tour move in the early days. I ate the hot dog while I was looking around at the other snacks. And sometimes I could even get two. And then I’d just pay for my Cheetos—or not. It was almost foo...
Not to mention all the bread associated with said sandwiches, hot dogs, and burgers. And let’s not forget those batches of blueberry muffins…. Okay, I need to stop because I’m making myself hungry. While these meals typically weren’t the norm for us, they had become in those 2-...
I have now split up from a boy I didn’t want to break things off with, because I’m still emotionally invested in him, even though we were on the opposite ends of “Displaying Affection and Something Resembling Caring” Spectrum and I was hoping to talk to him about it but we had ...
As much we love them,dogs are still descended from wolvesand, like wolves, they bite. While dying from a dog bite on its ownis incredibly rare, you should make sure your four-legged friend has had its shots regardless. That's becausedogs are the lead sourceof rabies deaths in humans, ...
Promising review:"We have three large dogs, and our house is constantly either full of fur, dog toys, mysterious puddles, vomit from yesterday's trash excavation, or your bi-monthly bout of explosive diarrhea. If you're hesitant on the price, which I was at first, your desperation to rem...