bull's-eye rash. The diagnosis is considered when a person has recently been in an area known to have ticks that harbor the bacteria. Sometimes the diagnosis is not
dogs can get infections that create symptoms like a cold, such as sneezing and congestion. In general, these “dog colds” are specific to that species, so you won’t be able to catch the same cold as your dog either.
Dogs quickly get intrigued by the food we consume; it’s likely to happen that while enjoying your favorite fruit, your dogs are probably giving you the eyes. Remember, some foods are relatively safe for dogs to consume, while others may be harmful and may cause poisoning. ...
Some of the ways rabies vaccination can harm your dog: Fibrosarcoma at the injection site. Allergies and skin issues. Digestive issues. Seizures.
Some of us have allergies to avocados, too. So avocado is fine for most dogs, but it can make some dogs gassy or irritate their stomach. Mind you, this is the same part of the avocado that you eat. We definitely shouldn’t eat the skin or the pit. The pit of the avocado is an...
According to the site, the only thing a brown dog tick needs to survive is the presence of a dog, which means they’re most common in homes with dogs. These ticks are annoying because they are very difficult to remove once they get into your house. These ticks don't transmit the Lyme...
Although store-bought mushrooms are safe for dogs, it’s important to keep your dog from eating wild mushrooms found in your yard or during walks. If your dog happens to eat a wild mushroom, take a sample of what it ate and call your vet immediately. Also, keep an eye out for common...
Essential oils may be an effective natural remedy for allergies due to their potent anti-inflammatory properties, their ability to reduce excess mucus production, and even antihistamine capacity… How EOs Work to Alleviate Allergies When used mindfully and safely, essential oils (EOs) can offer some...
Formaldehyde-releasing preservatives have been linked to skin allergies and irritations, and can be carcinogenic if found in high concentrations. Synthetic dyes, like those found in some cleansers, moisturizers, and hair dyes, can aggravate rashes and cause further skin sensitivities. Fragrances The ...
If you regularly take an OTC medicine for allergies, pain, insomnia, or acid reflux, get serious about switching to natural remedies that can provide relief without increasing your risk of dementia. Give your brain the healthiest possible environment to stay mentally sharp, in spite of your medic...