Learn whether pumpkin is a healthy snack for dogs, including which forms (canned, seeds, or pumpkin skin) are best, and if there are any health concerns.
Can dogs eat pumpkin seeds? Pumpkins and pumpkin seeds are healthy foods for humans, and they also have several known health benefits for dogs.Dogs can safely eat pumpkin seeds as well as cooked or raw pumpkin. ... Most dogs like the taste of plain pumpkin, and will happily eat it alone...
Also, do not allow them to eat the seeds or stems! Related Read: Fruits Dogs Can Safely Eat 12. Bananas Bananas are packed with magnesium, which is good for a dog’s bone health. They’re full of sugar, though, so you don’t want to give your dog too many. They’re also full...
It is important to eliminate the Seeds and skin and cut on the cantaloupe into manageable sized wedges prior to feeding to dogs and cats. In addition, don’t let them lick on the external skin, which might carry dangerous bacteria. With a plethora of minerals and vitamins, such as vitamins...
Can Dogs Eat Apples? Apples are full of nutrients such as iron and can be really beneficial for your dog’s physical and mental health. If served correctly and safely, apples can be a great refreshing treat for your dog. But it is advisable to ask your veterinarian before you feed human...
friendly french toast bake is an easy way to prep breakfast for the whole week. Set aside 40 minutes on Sunday—or if you’re an early riser, Monday morning works, too—to throw together this delicious meal. A french toast casserole will have your kids excited to get up and eat every ...
Pumpkin spice can be very dangerous for your pooch.One of the main ingredients in pumpkin spice,nutmeg, is incredibly toxic to dogs, the worst side effects being tremors, seizures, convulsions, or death.I cringe every single time I see a dog treat recipe for “Pumpkin Spice” or even “...
Apples are high in vitamins A, C, E, and B, and polyphenols, all of which contribute to healthy digestion. With this in mind one might wonder – can cats eat apples? According to ASPCA, apples aretoxic both for cats and dogs. You should remember that it's not the fruit of the appl...
If you suffer from frequent headaches, try drinking ginger tea or eating some pumpkin seeds to relieve your symptoms. Source: courtesy of NATURALNEWS by Zoey Sky If you have any stories or news that you would like to share with the global online community, please feel free to share it with...
Whereas dogs and people are omnivores and need protein from other sources, cats don’t. Meat is the only type of protein that can meet a cat’s nutritional needs. So you can safely give your cat bits of cooked beef, chicken, turkey, and little bits of lean deli meats. You shouldn’t...