Yes, dogs can eat the skins and peels of cucumber, but not every dog should. Some dogs' digestive systems may have trouble breaking down or passing these tough skins as they are veryrich in fiber. Additionally, if you're not feeding your dog organic cucumber, the skin may be covered in...
Dogs themselves, on the other hand, are not shy about their love for food. As every cute puppy owner knows, if there's food about you can guarantee your canine is in the vicinity, sniffing, drooling and putting on their best sad puppy eyes. You have to have a heart of ...
Can dogs have apple cider? Technically, yes, dogs can have apple cider, but whether they should is a different issue. First, most dogs will probably not enjoy apple cider for its excessive sweetness, which canines don't generally crave. Some apple cider doesn't contain added sweetener since ...
It has become common to speak of an "epidemic of obesity." Serious news sources routinely feature articles on obesity; some even suggest that the obesity epidemic is one of the greatest public health threats of our times, perhaps rivaling aids or avian flu. Obesity is commonly linked to ...
First things first; so what have the dogs been up to? Dogs like Cheetos. In fact, I’m pretty sure this dog likes Cheetos more than we do. Sam likes thumbs from leather gloves. I caught him before he ate the whole thing. I’m not joking about eating it; either he ate the thumb...
Clean eatingis not as hard as you think; it can actually be pretty manageable sometimes. Well, for me anyway, because I adopted a nasty habit of reading what's on the back of the boxes of some of my favorite, classic, old-schoolsnacks.Oreos, Cheetos, and Taki's all contain ingredients...
So regardless if you eat an orange or Cheetos if the food particles get into the bloodstream due to “leaky gut”, then every time you eat that specific food, your immune system could react and create inflammation. And when the lining is torn, more food particles, bacteria, and toxins wil...
We were so broke I used to steal hot dogs in gas stations. That was my go-to tour move in the early days. I ate the hot dog while I was looking around at the other snacks. And sometimes I could even get two. And then I’d just pay for my Cheetos—or not. It was almost foo...
Other times I like to wallow a bit, carve out a chunk of time to ignore my responsibilities and watch a full season of Teen Titans and eat Cheetos. You just have to find the right path to get out of that tunnel, wither it is time, or friendship, or ice cream, or medication that ...
As much we love them,dogs are still descended from wolvesand, like wolves, they bite. While dying from a dog bite on its ownis incredibly rare, you should make sure your four-legged friend has had its shots regardless. That's becausedogs are the lead sourceof rabies deaths in humans, ...