Dogs may crave paperbecause they are missing crucial minerals, like iron, in their diet. ... Anxiety can also lead dogs to chew or shred paper in an effort to soothe themselves. Dogs may also eat toilet paper simply because they are bored. Can dogs digest paper money? Fortunately, eating...
but have hadliterallyno time to get to it. I fully intended on setting time aside, but then my sister had I great report card so I celebrated with a movie night with her instead. I also spent quality time with the hubs and my mom… and my dogs. Basically...
Building a new behavior takes effort. It also takes time, memory, and energy. Our brains need to createnew neural pathwaysin order to back away from old habits and form new ones. And thankfully, the phrase “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” applies only to dogs. Humans at an...
Serious chocolate addiction going on here. Speaking of crap, I woke up to some from my dog again. He has the weakest stomach of all of the dogs in the whole entire universe. Waking up to that sound reminded me of when I meditated on Thursday morning to the sound of another dog coughin...