Lentils have become a favorite nutrition option for healthy eaters because of their potential health benefits. But can dogs eat lentils just like humans can? Are lentils good for dogs to consume regularly, and are lentils safe for dogs to eat in any form?
High fat and salt found in some cheeses means they're much higher in calories and will cause weight gain and cholesterol problems in dogs. Ice cream, unless specifically made for dogs, should NOT be on your list of human food that dogs can eat. Peanut butter Most pet parents know that t...
This is principally because these treats are very high in salt, which your dog is not as accustomed to digesting and processing as you. They can suffer from salt poisoning if they consume a little too much. But even more worrying are flavored pretzels. Are you eating a pretzel flavored with...
Well, the truth is that dogs shouldn’t consume most human foods since our digestive systems function differently. You and your pooch aren’t able to digest food the same way. However, some certain ingredients and groceries are safe for dogs – and, as it turns out, pretty beneficial, as ...
Yes! Just like peaches, dogs can safely consume nectarines and enjoy this fruit with you. And just like peaches, nectarines can be quite beneficial to dogs and they can enjoy the many benefits. But, you have to be careful here too as nectarine pits also contain cyanide. ...
So far it’s clear that pumpkin seeds are safe for your dog to consume as long as you prepare them the right way. Yet, probably the biggest benefits of pumpkin seeds lie in their ability to help dogs fight of worms and parasites. ...
snack for dogs. As long as your dog is not suffering from any underlying health issues related to the kidneys, peas can be served as an occasional treat.Lightly cook whole peas to make them easier for your dog to consume and serve them plain with no extra ingredients like salt or oils....
Can dogs have cinnamon? This common spice is delicious for humans and dogs alike. Here are some of the surprising health benefits for dogs who like it spicy!
Dog’s amazing senses of smell is known to everyone. If you own a dog, you would see him beside you in the kitchen each time you open something to eat. One of their favorites is the peanut butter; the nutty-butter scent just drags them into the kitchen. So, can dogs eat peanut but...
Unless it has raisins or other toxic ingredients in it, bread is perfectly safe for dogs to consume. It’s full of empty carbs, though, and it doesn’t offer much in the way of nutritional benefit. There’s one time that bread can come in handy, however. If your dog has eaten somet...