e benetit of epileptic seizures (), so they think it is possibl e that dogs could be trained to help thes e peopl e when a seizur e is getting close. Knowing when Rit a Howson, th e chief executiv e of Support Dogs, a charity that trains a seizur e is going to occur could ...
What's perhaps more amazing, however, is that certain dogs can predict when their owner is about to suffer an epileptic seizure. Trainers can teach some dogs to help a person in various ways during a seizure. In addition, some of these dogs end up developing the mysterious ability to actua...
Similarly, hearing dogs alert deaf people to important sounds, such as alarms or doorbells, while seizure alert dogs can predict and respond to epileptic seizures. In addition to their practical uses, dogs also play a crucial role in therapy and rehabilitation. Therapy dogs visit hospitals, schoo...
Can dogs sense depression and anxiety? Can bipolar disorder turn into schizophrenia? Can mental illness cause physical symptoms? What are the symptoms of depression in dogs? What causes personality disorders? Can mood disorders be cured? Can depression cause mental illness?
The pathogenesis and pathophysiology of epilepsy is being studied extensively in both human patients and rodent models of experimental epilepsy at the cellular and molecular level, but very little is known about the aetiologies of epilepsies in dogs. In this review, canine epilepsy will be discussed...
While many dogs are adept at following basic instructions such as "sit" and "roll over" with some practice and the promise of a treat, new research shows dogs can detect seizures by scent up to an hour before they occur, potentially saving their human's life. An estimated 3.4 million Ame...
Recent studies have shown that dogs can also alert people to epileptic and diabetic seizures (the latter reportedly through the smell of breath or sweat). Researchers have also been testing dogs’ ability to detect melanoma, as well as breast, lung, bladder and ovarian cancer. One study showed...
components of the TCLA virus have been reported to be highly expressed in infective larvae (18% of expressed sequence tags) before entry into a vertebrate host (for example, humans and dogs)29, with human infections eliciting antibody responses against several TCLA virus proteins29, indicating po...
The new finding gives scientists hope for training seizure alert dogs, which remain controversial and unproven.
Allergies are a common reason why people avoid owning pets. However, it is possible to still reap the benefits of having an animal in your life. If you have an allergy to cats or dogs, several other species can be kept as pets, such as rabbits, guinea pigs, and hamsters. ...