So what can we conclude: do seizures damage the brain? In: Sutula T, Pitka¨nen A, eds. Do seizures damage the brain: progress in brain research. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 2002;135:509-12.Engel J. So what can we conclude - do seizures damage the brain? Prog Brain Res 2002;135:...
10. - But if a Munchausen's patient thinks she's about get busted, she sees pills labeled "Dangerous, might cause seizures", she might grab a couple. And if that label were accidentally on a bottle of antibiotics, and if that bottle were accidentally left in her room... 但当一个孟乔...
Some of the ways rabies vaccination can harm your dog: Fibrosarcoma at the injection site. Allergies and skin issues. Digestive issues. Seizures.
The main source of carbon monoxide in our homes is incomplete combustion. This results in a poisonous gas residue. Exposure to high levels of carbon monoxide can be fatal. It can cause seizures, loss of consciousness, and death. If you have a home with a fireplace, you need to make sure...
Long time of seizures, if be treated not in time, can be irreversible brain damage caused by excitotoxicity fever, circulatory fa 状态epilepticus (SE) 或癫痫症,在不充分地被恢复的癫痫症了悟之间连续的攻击并且常去再现或者夺取长期持续比30分钟不停止。 夺取的很长时间,如果被对待不及时,可以是...
It occurs when your brain cells swell, which builds up pressure inside your skull. That can lead to seizures, brain damage, and – in severe cases – death. But don’t worry, dying from water intoxication is extremely hard for a fully-gr...
with dental acrylic and then connected to a fluid percussion device (VCU Biomedical Engineering, Richmond, VA, USA). Sham animals were connected to the LFP device, but no fluid percussion was delivered. Postimpact seizures were observed immediately after the induction of LFP in∼30% of rats ...
Neuromuscular hyperactivity, including muscle cramps, is a prevalent characteristic of magnesium deficiency, but latent tetany, generalized seizures, dizziness, and muscle weakness may also occur [83]. Other symptoms of magnesium deficiency can manifest as tiredness, lethargy, lightheadedness, and ...
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your kidneys can’t get rid of the extra fluid fast enough. This drops the sodium in your blood to unhealthy levels -- a condition called hyponatremia. It can causenausea, weakness and fatigue,headache, or, in severe cases, seizures, coma, and death. You’re at higher risk if you’re...