But salmon are also exposed to dangerous toxins … and they can contain parasites that could make your dog very sick. Today I’ll talk in more detail about why salmon isn’t a good choice for your dog. And give some alternative foods for getting the nutrients your dog needs. I’ll also...
Admit it; green beans probably aren’t the first veggie you would consider when deciding which vegetables your dog can eat – but they certainly can be beneficial. Whether you choose to feed them to your dog raw, steamed, or canned, green beans can be fantastic for your furry friend. They...
tuna can contain mercury, which can actually be toxic for your dog. The risk with tuna is that due to its large size, it can contain higher levels of mercury than say, salmon. The mercury comes from environmental pollution and can be poisonous...
The most common fish types in commercial dog food include salmon, black cod, herring, sardines, and tuna. You can give your canned fish like tuna and sardines if it is packed in water and served plain. If you prepare homemade fish for dogs, make sure to cook it thoroughly and remove ...
Cooked salmon is one of the best foods that a dog (or a person) can eat. It’s a great source of protein and stuffed to the gills with omega-3 fatty acids in the form of EPA and DHA. These antioxidants do everything from fighting inflammation to improving skin quality. Never give yo...
Carrots: Can Eat. Both raw and cooked carrots are safe for your dog to eat. ... Grapes and Raisins: Can't Eat. ... Salt: Limit. ... Peanut Butter: Can Eat. ... Eggs: Can Eat. ... Salmon: Can Eat. ... Chocolate: Can't Eat. ... ...
As a dog owner, she understands the special connection that pet owners form with their pets. She loves sharing helpful information that people can use to better understand their pets. When she’s not writing, you can find her walking dogs, tending to her plant babies, or drinking her nth ...
Plain, cooked, steamed, or grilled fish is fine for dogs to eat in moderation. Too much fish can lead to obesity, so consult your veterinarian about appropriate serving sizes of fish for your dog, especially if you plan to feed fish as a regular part of her diet. ...
Tuna, salmon, shellfish - which types of seafood can dogs eat and which can harm them? Learn about safe foods and meals you should avoid giving to your dog.
What foods can't you eat when pregnant? Here is a list of items you should avoid during pregnancy, from raw meats to soft cheeses.