Common symptoms of diverticulitis include distended abdomen, nausea and vomiting. “It’s important to get treatment quickly if you have any of those symptoms or local persistent pain, chills or bleeding,” says Dr. Marten. “If the pain is severe, go to the ER immediately.” Diagnosis of d...
If you do, don't palpate it; doing so could cause the aneurysm to rupture or, if it already has, more internal bleeding. Your astute assessment can get the patient with a ruptured AAA to surgery quickly. Postop, your meticulous observations can preven...
Diverticulitis is associated with: (a) lactose intolerance (b) gluten intolerance (c) too much bulk in the diet (d) too little bulk in the diet An imbalanced microbiome has been associated with which of the following? A) Depression. B) Irritable bowel syndrom...
Symptoms. Sudden, acute left sided abdominal pain, fever, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and bloating. Diverticuli when inflamed is known as diverticulitis. The inflamed diverticuli when rupture forms a fistula and fistula results in peritoneal or abdominal abscess that ...