The article discusses a court decision related to the application of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the U.S. It cites an incident wherein one employee of Banco Popular de Puerto Rico Inc., who was diagnosed to have a temporary "mixed situational disorder," was terminated when...
disabilitiestowork.Theemployeescontroltherobotsfromhome, 3 (use)theInternet.For example,ifsomeonecan?tmoveorspeak,theycanuse 4 (advance)softwaretotypeawide rangeofmessageswiththeireyes.Oncetherobotsreceivethosemessages,theycommunicateto thecustomers.Theemployeesalsohaveaccess 5 alivevideofeedsotheycansee 6 ...
Strokes victims sometimes refuse to regard their injured sides as part of their bodies because they are unwilling to admit their disabilities. Unit 5 This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer ...
[...]general public is accessible to persons with disabilities and that persons with disabilitiescan havesuitable means of communication in official interaction and access to information. 就此,我们已 采取适当的措施,以确保残疾人士可无障碍地获取提供予公众的资讯...
Who can use a temporary handicap parking permit? Most states also offer placards for temporary disabilities for pregnant women and people with short-term disabilities. Typically, these placards will be valid for up to six months or up to the date that your doctor notes on the application, ...
During peak periods, we employ up to 270 people with physical and mental disabilities there, predominantly in product packaging. For the customer, our clear commitment to inclusion was one of the main reasons for awarding the contract. PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES CONTRIBUTE TO SUCCESS 18 China ...
infrastructurecan be utilized,soas to avoid the huge expenditure expected to be [...] 更何況從財政角度而言,如果由港台 轉型,大可利用現時港台本身的基礎設施,以減少因成立全新的公營廣播機 構而造成的龐大開支,使資源能更有效運用。
a pediatrician(儿科医生), believes in the importance of exercise. She thinks that many learning disabilities that children have in elementary school or high school can be traced back to a lack of movement as babies. "Babies need movement that stimulates their five senses. They need to establish...
One way to appreciate what you have is to work with others who have nothing, or who have disabilities that no amount of money can overcome. Volunteering time to work in a food bank, or to work with underprivileged children, can really alter your perspective on where you are in life, and...
A person with the qualifications to care for children, the elderly, and/or people with disabilities in private homes. Low Income Cut-Off Requirements An income cut-off amount determined each year by the Canadian government related to the amount required to provide necessities to family members. ...