The 29 Best and Recommended Korean Dramas By XhyniieMar 31, 2023 Romantic Intimacy 300+ Sexy Nicknames for Guys and Girls By TatianaMar 1, 2023 Christianity, the Bible & Jesus What Happens To Us When We Die? By Clifton H. RodriquezDec 19, 2021 ...
Sugar impacts brain function, can cause non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and increases your risk of heart disease. Added sugarsappear to increase the risk of breast cancer and metastasis to the lungs. There are dozens of names for added sugar on ingredient labels. ...
calorie intake to keep your body mass index stable. In addition, avoid excessive salt and sugar intake. Avoid highly processed carbohydrates and processed food. Eliminate fried fast food, chips and baked goods from your diet as they contain trans fats. Trans fats cause hardening of the arteries...
Abdominal surgery: Surgery on the appendix, gallbladder, liver, pancreas, bowel, stomach, or spleen may cause long-term diarrhea. Long-term use of medications: Certain medications such as antibiotics can change the normal gut flora (the good bacteria). This decline in the good bacteria can inc...
A dog living on a fatty diet (such as eating excessive avocados) may potentially suffer from a prolonged inflammatory condition called pancreatitis. This disease is no joke and can eventually put strain on the dog’s liver as the bile move into the pancreas. ...
Different indigenous plants contain different heavy metals, but those below the detection limit (BDL) are safe for public health, while those beyond the detection limit are harmful to human health and can cause a variety of health issues when heavy metals bind to cells. The toxicology research ...
Consume only meat, veggies, nuts, and fatty sauces. Intermittent Fasting: cut out an entire MEAL every day. Mediterranean Diet: focus on REAL foods, with whole grains. Cut out processed foods. Carnivore Diet: Only eat meat. Remove everything else. Military Diet: Nevermind. Please don’t ...
The liver loves bitters, too, the bitter taste facilitates detoxification. Bitters also stimulate bile flow which is helpful in digestive fatty meals and metabolism of “dirty” estrogens (present in estrogen dominance). Bitters have also been shown to balance blood sugar levels and activate the pa...
Your body needs vitamin D to help absorb the calcium and phosphorus in your diet that makes for strong bones. Vitamin D deficiency can cause bone loss, low bone density, and increase your chances of breaking bones. Vitamin D deficiency can also cause rickets in children and a condition called...
Alcohol intake should be limited on a low sugar diet, as it can interfere with blood sugar levels.12If you do drink alcohol, avoid high-sugar options such as champagne or dessert wine and opt for dry red wine or spirits such as gin or vodka paired with soda water instead. ...