Can diabetics eat blue tortilla chips? Researchers from the home of the tortilla, Mexico, found blue corn tortillas contain 20% more protein than their white corn counterparts. They also have less starch and alower glycemic index(GI), which may be good news for dieters and people with diabet...
Body weights were now similar, but liver and kidneys in the diabetic rats were double the size of those in nondiabetics; and now the perirenal adi- pose pool was significantly reduced in diabetics, while blood lipids were extremely elevated, especially triglycer- ides in individual rats (...
多吃南瓜能降血糖是一个极大的错误。(Eating more pumpkin can lower your blood sugar. its a great mistake.).doc,多吃南瓜能降血糖是一个极大的错误。(Eating more pumpkin can lower your blood sugar. its a great mistake.) Eating pumpkin is good for diabetics