Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documentsall CaNTranslate as you type World-leading quality Drag and drop documents Translate now▸External sources (Chinese)▾External sources (English)Can I ask the Secretary through you to provide me with a written reply after the ...
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staring you back away, I told myself that person ever loved. Perhaps a person's life can love many times, but there is always one person can make us laugh the most brilliant, crying most thorough, most deepl 如果一天您仍然爱我,我将告诉您,我等待您; 如果一天我们通过,我将被停止,凝视您,...
but means that:- We want to prevent rubbish left in the town by installing public bins.To understand this example sentence, you need to rephrase it as follows:ごみ箱で 👇 ごみ箱を設置することで by installing public bins まちをきれいにしたい。👇 まちからゴミをなくしたい。We hope...
Please comment! Thanks!Google Translate:They take refuge in a building about 800 meters from the beach, or in a high place called "refuge hill."DeepL:The building is about 800 metres from the beach and a high place called 'Evacuation Hill' where you can take shelter....
I know what they're doing isn't that big of a deal, but it's tiring to keep seeing the...
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Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents Translate as you type World-leading quality Drag and drop documents Translate now ▾ External sources (not reviewed) [...] region serviced by this Website and there may be limits on wherewe can shipproducts as set forth ...
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