When you are in debt to a company or another individual, you should keep your eye on your business bank account. Your creditors may sue you for the money you owe them. If they take you to court, and win, the judge may award an order that you repay the money to your creditors. If ...
When you use all your credit limit (or exceed it) it may hurt your credit score. An overdraft means that you’ve spent more money than the available balance in your bank account. When you exceed your credit card limit, it’s called an over-limit transaction or going over-the-limit. Wh...
But they often come too late (or not at all). A credit monitoring service actively monitors all transactions on your card, credit report, and bank account and warns you of suspicious transactions in near-real-time. Calls from creditors or debt collectors about transactions you didn’t make....
Falling behind on your loan or credit card payments is never a pleasant situation to be in. You're probably wondering how this may affect your tax refund. Watch this video to find out more about how judgments can affect your tax refund.
Calculate how your buying power has changed over the years. Maryalene LaPonsieJan. 23, 2025 How Much Is Inflation Costing You? The most important thing you should do is stay in touch with your creditors and prioritize your payments. Geoff WilliamsJan. 22, 2025 What to Do if You Fall Behi...
The VA Streamline Refinancedoes not need an appraisal or income verification. And you don’t need to show your bank account balances. These loans are available to just about any homeowner who currently has a VA loan. VA rates are lower than conventional loan rates, so savings could be substa...
Use credit wisely: Avoid opening unnecessary credit accounts or applying for multiple lines of credit within a short period, as this can indicate financial instability to creditors. Be strategic about applying for new credit and only take on debt that you can manage responsibly. Maintain account ac...
If you ignore the notice, the IRS can choose to file the lien in court. Filing a notice of your lien in court notifies all of your creditors that the federal government has a legal claim on your property. When this occurs, it's possible that your credit rating will suffer....
Open-ended accounts arerevolving lines of credit. This means you can borrow against the limit, repay the amount plus interest and borrow from the same account again (as withcredit cardsorHELOCs). Be aware that creditors may argue in court that the law intheirstate should apply instead of th...
In simple terms, this means you don’t have to pay the discharged debts, and your creditors can’t try to make you pay. A discharge of your debts is just one step in thebankruptcy process. While it doesn’t necessarily signal the end of your case, it is something lenders will ...