Official answer: Ibuprofen can be taken after the COVID booster vaccine if you want to relieve any vaccine-related side effects such as...
Drugs for GERD that reduce the production of stomach acid may inhibit the drugs used to move the bowels. This could lead to constipation or a worsening of constipation.5 Do Acid Reflux Drugs Cause Constipation? Many things can cause constipation, including a lack of fiber in the diet, not ...
Great product for stomach issues I have been really sick for the past 5 months with IBS. I had diarrhea every time I ate. While searching for help, since my doctor was so help, I found "Heather's Tummy Care". I ordered Heather's books and started my recovery diet. Heather suggested ...
There’s one more possible factor in novel coronavirus transmission. We also know that areas with higher air pollution have greater numbers of COVID-19 cases. Scientists aren’t sure yet which is the cause and which is the effect. The coronavirus may spread further due to...
Ibuprofen is short acting, while naproxen is long acting and more likely to cause an upset stomach. Naproxen also increases the risk of uncontrolled bleeding in people taking blood thinners by 4-fold, and ibuprofen increases the risk 2-fold. Naproxen and ibuprofen are both NSAIDs so they are...
Most recent wastewater analysis shows that approximately 600,000 COVID-19 infections are taking place daily across the US, 800 deaths per week and an unknown thousands being stricken with the multi-factor medical conditions, often debilitating, of Long Covid. The immediate cause of schools’ ...
Since the 2019 COVID pandemic, I wanted to know what causes pandemics and what, if anything, can be done to prevent the next one. Luckily, there are things you and I can do, which may seem as too radical to some. What I learned is that animals are the sources of past pandemics: ...
Our investigation uncovered four distinct discursive themes: Science, Conspiracies, Sociopolitical issues, and Containment. Prior to COVID-19, research on vaccine and containment measures did not capture the significant negative sentiment observed in subsequent studies. Mostly, the negativity stemmed from ...
device infection This longitudinal international study examined whether prosociality, combined with theoretically derived motivating factors (self-efficacy, perceived susceptibility and severity of COVID-19, and perceived social support), was associated with changes in adherence to COVID-19 containment ...
woman getting covid test Canva COVID-19 Yup, the pandemic may be over, but you’ve still got COVID to worry about. New variants of the disease continue to pop up, and now that we’ll all be spending more time indoors in close quarters with people, you should stay on guard. ...