It should be noted that no sintering aids were used in both alumina and ZAT. The solderability of a conductor on the substrate largely depends, besides the oxidation of the conductor, on the surface roughness of the substrate29. The 3D topographic images of the sintered ZAT sample (both ...
1. Made from Aircraft AA5052 grade aluminum for prolonged life span with raw aluminum finish. 2. Brazed core technology to guarantee optimum performance and dependability. 3. All AA5052 Aluminum 2mm thick tanks and fittings,Ensure it's hard and...
Before installing the drive in a CAN system, it must be assigned a CAN Node-ID. A maximum of 127 CAN nodes are allowed on a single CAN bus. Up to seven digital inputs can be used to produce CAN Node-IDs from 1~127, or the Node-ID can be saved to flash memory in the module....
根据程序描述的逻辑功能,下列说法正确的有 module Learn7_2(clk,clr,Q); input clk,clr; output[3:0] Q; reg[3:0] Q always @( negedge clk or negedge clr) begin if (!clr) Q <= 3’b0000 else begin Q > 1) Q[3] <= ~Q [2]&a... A. 扭环型计数器,有效输出状态为8个 ...
After surface disinfection, the samples were dried in a flow chamber and processed to be analyzed by dependent and independent methods of cultivation. For this, the protocols by [43,44] were used with adaptations: ten leaves per sampled individual were overlapped and, with the aid of eyelet pl...
The low bio-availability of P is due to the rapid transformation of Pi into organic P and the formation of insoluble Pi complexes with soil cations, such as aluminum (Al) and iron (Fe) or calcium and manganese under acidic or alkaline soils, respectively [1,2]. A large amount of P-...
Based on our previous study, a tomato hybrid-proline-rich protein 1 (HyPRP1) was found to be involved in abiotic stress and SO2 metabolism, though the gene functions remained largely unknown. In this study, the function analysis of the HyPRP1 gene was extended, and DNA methylation analysis,...