Some dogs can drink milk without issue, but many others have an adverse affect to dairy products due to a lactose intolerance. Stomach upset is never pleasant, so read on to learn about the safest way to approach this dietary discretion in dogs.
Almond milk is made from processing almonds,which are safe in moderation in pets. Soy is also safe and is actually found in many pet foods as a protein source. Soy, however, is one of the top food allergens in dogs. So soy milk should be avoided when the dog has food allergies. ...
Sure, I tend to drink tea, wine, beer or water during a meal, but I missed the creaminess of milk going down my throat. There was also the great benefit of milk helping calm my acid reflux disease and even soy, almond and coconut milk can’t help with that. I still decided to go...
If you’ve ever met me or my Instagram feed, you know that my greatest aspiration in life is to be a stay-at-home-dog-mom (some of us dream bigger than others, okay?). I always had dogs growing up, so I was always “a dog person” as they say. I never cared for cats – w...