项目驱动 CAN-bus现场总线基础教程_13140710.pdf,【作者】周立功主编【丛书名】高等院校电类专业新概念教材【形态项】164【出版项】北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,2012.07【ISBN号】978-7-5124-0821-0【中图法分类号】TP336【原书定价】20.00【主题词】总路线-教材【参考
第4讲 CAN 数据总线(CAN BUS ) CAN通信技术概述 CAN ( Controller Area Network ) 即控制器局域 网络。由于其高性能、高可靠性、及独特的设计, CAN越来越受到人们的重视。国外已有许多大公司的 产品采用了这一技术。 CAN最初是由德国的BOSCH公司为汽车监测、 控制系统而设计的。现代汽车越来越多地采用电子装 ...
bus 介绍 概述 CAN-bus Controller Area Network 即控制器局域网 是国际上应用最广泛的现场总线之一 起先 CAN-bus 被设计作为汽车环境中的微控制器通讯 在车载各电子控制装置 ECU 之间交换信息 形成汽车电子控制网络 比如 发动机管理系统 变速箱控制器 仪表装备 电子主干系统中 均嵌入 CAN 控制装置 CAN-bus 是一...
Bus/Pin ESD Protection Exceeds 16 kV HBM • Robotics • High Input Impedance Allows for 120 Nodes • Automotive on a Bus • UPS Control • Controlled Driver Output Transition Times for SN65HVD230D (Marked as VP230) Improved Signal Quality on the SN65HVD230 SN65HVD231D (Marked as VP...
[题目]句型转换(1)I go to school by bike (2)Peter goes to the cinema on foot (3)There is a book on the desk . You can go to school by the No. 5 bus .The cinema is next to the hospital. (7) ( 变 一般疑问句,变 否定句;对划线部分提问)
(像lego ninjago,star war,bat man,magic school bus之类备受欢迎的名著都是有各种版本的,绘本,纯对话的卡通书,章节书等等)Level 0:01.Smallpig PDF+MP3 关怀、追求理想 02.OscarOtter PDF+MP3 螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后的幽默 03.Red Fox and HisCanoe PDF+MP3 分享、幽默、追求理想 04.The FireCat PDF...
NATS - Publish/Subscribe event bus, durable queues, key-value store, object store, and more. Native multi-tenancy, multiple authentication and authorization mechanisms. Easy to self-host and federate. (Source Code, Clients) Apache-2.0 Go/deb/Docker/K8S Neko - A self hosted virtual browser (ra...
NATS - Publish/Subscribe event bus, durable queues, key-value store, object store, and more. Native multi-tenancy, multiple authentication and authorization mechanisms. Easy to self-host and federate. (Source Code, Clients) Apache-2.0 Go/deb/Docker/K8S Neko - A self hosted virtual browser (ra...
They’ve changed the timetable so we can go by bus instead. This hall can hold 500 people at least. 4 表示推测惊讶、怀疑、不相信的态度用于疑问句、否定句和感叹句中。Can this be true This can’t be done by him. How can this be true 二、may might 1 表示请求和允许。might比may语气更...
sbb详细说明sbbwede说明书h使用opel rke can bus.pdf,SW- OPEL RKE-L0 / CB. -L1 (SDD/SBB) CODE: D431388XA- VERS. 3.0 GB INDEX 1 OPEL REMOTE CONTROL FUNCTIONS (Routine 5) 4 1.1 TLC PROGRAM 6 1.2 DELETE TLC 7 2 OPEL REMOTE CONTROL FUNCTIONS (routine 6) 8 2.1 T