If you’re already dealing with a blockage, you might wonder how to dissolve the hair. One of the approaches you can try is using bleach. Pouring a cup down the drain may help you clear out your pipes. Of course, if that fails, you will need to call a plumber ASAP. Why does my ...
Whether it's a solo traveler catching a flight up north to Coeur d'Alene to visit Mom and Dad, or a family of six from Boise on their way to Disneyland, there's nothing like a miserable encounter with TSA to ruin an otherwise decent trip. Let's not forget the cherry on top. What...
it did for me at the time I was on it. But a lot of the underlying ‘science’ they talk about is wrong. Fat doesn’t really cause insulin resistance, at least not until it becomes a major part of your diet (40% of total calories and up). I personally do much better with modera...
You need to clean your face shield and your child’s after each use, carefully not to contaminate yourself. You can disinfect it with alcohol or a bleach solution. Be careful: you should not apply the cleaning product directly on the screen. Ideally, do it with a cloth moistened with the...
You'll win the award for scariest campfire story — with photos to prove it. byCourtney Lynch BuzzFeed Staff 1.Amouthguard and retainer cleanerbecause what's worse than going to use it and finding a ghostly buildup? Yuck! These tablets will demolish odor-causing bacteria, discoloration,...