removed or if you choose not to have it removed, you will need to monitor yourself and report immediately to your doctor any flu-like symptoms, fever, chills, cramping, pain, bleeding, vaginal discharge, or leakage of fluid, or any other symptom that suggests complications of the pregnancy....
Sometimes, people experience pregnancy-like symptoms a few days after sex and worry this means they may be pregnant. The truth is that you can't know if you're pregnant just by "feeling" pregnant. Also,real pregnancy symptomswon't occur until at least 10 days after conception. Key Takeawa...
To avoid transmitting the infection (even if the giving partner shows no symptoms) to the fetus during birth, avoid having unprotected oral sex during the late stages of the pregnancy. Okay, now let’s talk about anal sex. It is generally safe to have anal sex while pregnant if the ...
Common menopause and pregnancy symptoms A confusing part about reproductive health when you are older is telling the difference between symptoms of menopause and signs of pregnancy. There is often overlap between the two, but if you learn the differences you will have an easier time understanding w...
You've probably heard that the Pill can help with your cramps and other PMS symptoms. But what happens if it doesn't work for you?
If you are trying to get pregnant you may be interested in learning about pregnancy symptoms. If so, we recommend reading the following article: What are the symptoms of pregnancy throughout the nine months? Alternatively, if you have been ttc with your partner for over a year (6 months if...
Couldn't find what you looking for? TRY OUR SEARCH!Home Discussions Family Health Women's Health Birth Control (Contraception) can plan b work? By lamita132821 | 2 posts, last post over a year agoKate Smith answered this Plan B Side Effects Or Pregnancy Symptoms? Read more ...
How soon can you tell if you're pregnant? Learn about the earliest signs and symptoms of pregnancy and get info on the best early-detection pregnancy tests, how to test properly, and more.
Pregnancy Symptoms Pregnancy Tests FAQs Can you get pregnant right after your period? A female can conceive (get pregnant) at any time during her menstrual cycle, even during or just after her period. Conceiving shortly after your period is unusual, but not impossible. It depends on factor...
That said, if you still feel uncomfortable, you can try one of the above treatments, or talk to your doctor for support. references Is this an emergency?If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, please see theNational Library of Medicine’s listof signs you need emergency medical atten...