4. Bees are a kind of ___, they can find the way home by themselves. A. birds B. people C. insects D. plants 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 蜜蜂是一种昆虫,它们可以自己找到回家的路。所以答案是 C (insects)。 1. 题目分析: 题目要求选出蜜蜂所属的类别,并提示蜜蜂可以自己找到回家的路。
Forexample,manybirdsdependonstarsfordirection,buttheygetlosteasilyatnightwhencitylightsarekeptonallnight.Tosolvethisproblem,wecansimplyturnoffsomelightsatnight.Clearly,onesmallactofhumansmaymean a lottoanimals.(1)Howcan a certainkindofantsfindtheirway? ___A.Byimaginingtheway.B.Bycountingtheirsteps.C.By...
Some fish have an unbelievable sense of smell.They can smell even a single drop of their home water in a large sea area.Some sea birds have a similar ability.They are able to make a smell map of their flying area. Some animals can sense the earth's magnetic field (磁...
Birds Can't Find Their Way Home 高中英语教学教学方法阅读教学摘要:杜晨重庆CNKI考试与评价(英语高考专刊)
Some sea birds have a similar ability. They are able to make a smell map of their flying area. Some animals can sense the earth's magnetic field (磁场), while humans can't. This magnetic field guides a certain kind of fish when they swim a long way to a place and then back. How...
Someanimalscaneasilyfindtheirwayhomeafter a longjourney.Howdotheymakeit?Scientificresearchshowsthattheyarebornwithcertainunusualabilitiesfordirection. A certainkindofants,forexample,cancounttheirstepstoavoidgettinglost.Theycangoasfaras 110 metresandbringfoodhome.Theseantsliveintheopendesert (沙漠),sotheyhavenothi...
典例2 Some animals can easily find their way home after a long journey. How do they make it?Scientific research shows that they are born with certain unusual abilities for direction.(( C ) 60. Which can be the best title for the passage? A. Birds' Sense of Light B. Fish's Sense ...
Some sea birds have a similar ability. They are able to make a smell map of their flying area. Some animals can sense the earth’s magnetic field (磁场), while humans can’t. This magnetic field guides a certain kind of fish when they swim a long way to a place and then back. ...
Some sea birds have a similar ability. They are able to make a smell map of their flying area.Some animals can sense the earth’s magnetic field (磁场), while humans can’t. This magnetic field guides a certain kind of fish when they swim a long way to a place and then back. How...
embroidery(刺绣)featuringbirdsandflowersonthem.Women,especiallythoseintheroyal palace,likedtousethem.PoetsinancientChinaoftencomparedanabandoned(被抛弃的)woman totuanshan.ApoetintheQingDynasty,NalanXingdewasatypicalexample.Hewrote,“Ifonly lifewereasbeautifulaswhenwefirstmet,whyshouldtheautumnwindbothertopitydese...