What is a drug test? Which drugs are commonly tested? What if I have a false-positive drug test? How are drug tests done? Which drugs cause a false-positive drug test? What causes a false negative drug test? What is a drug test?A...
Adverse drug reactions are now the fourth leading cause of death in the US and thefifth leading causeof hospital death in Europe. More emergency room visits result from prescription medications than fromillicit drugs, alcohol, and recreational drug use combined. It’s very clear that medications c...
Yes, you can give loratadine to dogs, it is usually well tolerated and is unlikely to produce side effects such as drowsiness that tend to happen with some of the older antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine (also known as Benadryl). The human form of loratadine is the same as the form ...
Like the causes of sleep disorders in children, treatments for these conditions vary. Positive bedtime routines, restricting screen time before bed, setting strict routines for bedtime and wakeup time and making sure kids get plenty of exercise can all help with many childhood sleep disorders like ...
A recent studyshows that SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins can cause the harm of COVID-19 all by themselves! We’ve also known for a long time that the spike protein is the business end of these viruses; it is what gives the virus its ability...
The Hat Man is a fictional figure that started appearing on certain internet sites in the early 2000s that has recently been referred to as the “Benadryl Hat Man” after reports of people hallucinating and sighting him after overconsumption or abuse of Benadryl. Most of these reports have app...