For your own single-car accidents, you should seriously consider getting an estimate from an auto body shop to have the damage repaired out of pocket instead of filing an insurance claim. Many can give you a free written estimate on your first visit. You also have to consider your deductible...
If you are homeless, you may be tempted to provide a friend’s address (or an old address) to your insurer. However, if an insurer discovers you are using the wrong address, then your insurercould deny your claim. Let’s say you provide your friend’s address to your insurance company....
In some states, drinking or drugs can give your insurer a reason to deny your claimMichelle Andrews
Just because you can contest a claim doesn’t mean you necessarily should. Often, the main reason an employer may want to contest a claim is to avoid a hike in unemployment insurance tax rates. The amount of taxes owed is based in part on the number of claims made against the company ...
Once the case is presented, the insurance company will offer another review and either uphold their initial stance or put forth another settlement offer. If the option of a new deal is placed on the table, the claimant can decide to either accept or deny th...
Another option is to file an 843 Claim for Refund and Request for Abatement form. There are no direct standards for whether the IRS will accept or deny this request, but it’s worth trying. You never know where negotiating will take you, and it may eliminate some of the financial burdens...
. In fact, Wilkins said this is the first and only time NextEra has ever been asked to apply for a temporary business use permit to conduct survey work like this in any community. Alan Anderson, an attorney with Kansas City’s Polsinelli Law Firm represent...
State laws vary, but if the lie is material to your claim, the insurer could deny you coverage and even cancel your policy, Peter Kochenburger, deputy director of the University of Connecticut's Insurance Law Center, told CNBC. You might also run afoul of state insurance fraud laws. "...
On top of that, Florida also previously had a “one-way attorney fee” system. This meant that when a court ruled in favor of the plaintiff (in this case, a home insurance policyholder or the third-party contractor who filed the claim), the defendant (in this case, the insurance company...
Insurance companies probably won’t deny a claim outright if you weren’t wearing a seatbelt when you had an accident. The laws in your state dictate which insurance company you’ll file your claim with, but either way, an insurance company can lower your settlement if you...