Morning, please I have downloaded and installed red dead redemption 2 and I have to know if my graphics card can run this game, note that I have win11 on my PC. When I run the game I always have ERR_GFX_INT error. I tried all YouTube methods to solve this problem and , nothing ...
Even more, the developers at Rockstar could potentially reuse the RDR2 map in their upcoming Grand Theft Auto sequel, which would give players the option to explore a modern-day Saint Denis as well as new versions of the other cities central to Red Dead Redemption 2’s story. RDR2's Sai...
Red Dead Redemption 2 PC price today $59.99 What is Red Dead Redemption 2? Winner of over 175 Game of the Year Awards and recipient of over 250 perfect scores, RDR2 is the epic tale of outlaw Arthur Morgan and the infamous Van der Linde gang, on the run across America at the dawn...
RDR2 used subtle nuances in its stranger missions, and each of them was filled with interesting narratives and characters, both of which GTA 6 needs.
This time you play as Arthur Morgan in a prequel to that very story. Fighting alongside Dutch Van Der Linde, John Marston and the rest of your gang to escape the authorities on your tail after a botched up robbery in Blackwater. Now naturally you can’t outrun the law of the wild west...
A common way to solve this is to set the global that holds the model the player is supposed to have to your new model, so that the game does not detect any change. Below you can find an example from Alexander Blade's trainer. Please note that the global is outdated, however, and I...
Hi, I'm fairly new to modding in general, but I've followed a few tutorials successfully and now I have some questions. I was trying to use the SET_PED_AMMO native function but when I went to put in the weapon hash it gives me the error: cannot convert f
infamous for trying to cram too many commands into too few buttons. Rockstar has remedied that here by usingevery single key on the damn keyboard, which is slightly overwhelming. There’s even a button dedicated to deactivating the HUD (and then temporarily reactivating it, if you have it ...
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