He thinks that the courts are getting “fed up” with people far removed from anyone elected or accountable to the people, deep within administrative bodies, making these large decisions. This case, he said, will bring that frustration to a boil. “If they want to take it to the Supreme ...
However, the good thing is that quant trading doesn’t need to be advanced or complex. When you start, make it as simple as you can. Nevertheless, you need software both for testing and live trading. Thus, the ability to code is required. Luckily, anyone can learn basic coding by spend...
Interestingly though is how he is technically not just unemployed, but also bankrupt, but still living a middle class existance with five children to feed etc… I suspect that a thorough financial investigation would find him guilty of several financial crimes with some quite severe penalties. Bu...
But if you want to discover why you’re here, then go into nature and ask the universe to show you who you are and you’ll be surprised by what happens. 'If you want to discover why you're here, then go into nature and ask the universe to show you who you are and you'll ...
There have been several 51% attacks on cryptocurrency blockchains like Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (BSV), Bitcoin Gold (BTG), and Ethereum Classic (ETC). More recently, the now-bankrupt exchangeFTX was hackedshortly after declaring bankruptcy in November 2022. ...
‘https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/03/study-finds-that-we-could-lose-science-if-publishers-go-bankrupt/ Clive Robinson•March 9, 2024 3:58 AM Roku compleat TOSers? Hands up anyone who did not see this coming, https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/03/disgraceful-messy-tos-update-alleg...
And that doesn't even take into account the bikes left over from businesses that go bankrupt. This aerial view shows how bikes have become a sign of waste rather than of sustainability. 11 AT A GLANCE 12 In focus In this issue we take a close look at what it will mean to be human ...
Families are left bankrupt as they seek ‘legal’ assistance to get their loved ones returned to them only to find that the attorneys are already in the game or drafted once they accept a guardianship case. We mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers have watched in horror as our loved ones ...
Go bankrupt without any stigma if things turned pear-shaped And people wonder why nobody saves anymore. Gordon Brown is forever blowing housing bubbles I have watched (andposted) with incredulity as the government has scurried to keep inflated what was clearly a house price bubble. ...
First of all, the second threat is staggering in its audacity. At current course and speed, the airlines will go bankrupt. When you are in financial distress, the last thing you should do is take your scarce cash and hand it to your shareholders. That meets at least the spirit, and per...