Are 2nd Amendment sanctuary cities legal? How does the DREAM Act treat citizenship? Can the Electoral College vote for anyone? Is the Arizona Immigration Law constitutional? Do DREAM Act students qualify for financial aid? What does the constitution say about immigration laws?
“You can do anything with alaw degree!” Anyone considering going to law school has probably heard a variant of this mythical phrase, promising a full briefcase of career prospects upon completion of alaw degree. The reality, as many law professionals and recruiters would attest, is not quite...
Is anyone who breaks the law a criminal? Is blackmail a felony? Do bankruptcy fraud complaints go to the Department of Justice? Is conspiracy to commit a crime a felony? Are there federal libel laws? Is theft a specific intent crime? Do legal aid lawyers handle business lawsuits? Does auto...
Here are the scenarios where you can legally ride in the back of a pickup in Illinois based on my research and with much help fromIllinois Legal Aid. Anyone any age can be in a truck bed if you're being towed in a parade and the truck is going less than 15 mph Anyone over 18 ca...
First and foremost, without anyone chatting with, the elderly are likely to feel lonely and depressed, which may have a negative impact on their mental health. What's worse, they may come across a vast range of troubles and difficulties i...
Can Anyone Be A Driving Instructor? Yes, certain people can become driving instructors and finding out if you are eligible is pretty easy. Parent-taught driver education in Texas allows a parent, stepparent, grandparent, step-grandparent, foster parent or legal guardian to teach their teenager ...
If they are willing to be encouraged, you can apply these suggestions to anyone you know or meet!Seek after and be confident of God’s plans for the person you wish to help. Ask questions, but be slow to give advice. Treat the other person the way you would want to be treated. ...
Assisted suicide is morally and lawfully wrong. The minute you come into this world, you are born with inalienable rights which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.(Jefferson) These rights cannot be taken away by anyone and the government ...
Many of the courses in these online degree programs are publicly available: anyone with an internet connection can take them. Some of these courses are “freebies” meant to give prospective students a taste of what the full online degree would be like. Others, like edX’s MicroMasters, are...
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