I'm trying to find what PC cases can fit my intel q45/q43 express chipset, I'm not rich so don't judge me it does me well and I just wanna see how good I can make it for gaming so I obviously need the room for a new CPU and GPU Solution imsqam Jun 13, 2017 The case ...
In other words, the aforementioned link either got it wrong, or you got a different motherboard -please verify. Anyway, it looks like your desktop is fitted with a 310-watt power supply (please verify), which means that you can fit a GTX 1650 Super (you'll need to buy a ...
I have a old dell pc and i want to change the CPU and graphics card can you help with suggestions videos and how to install videos because there are no pc shops near me they are over 2 hours away and I live in the united kingdom so can anyone help. Lukas
In fact PSU can't be compared directly like onboard has 210w and new has 310w so it can provide one and half more power. Original PSU according to label has one 12v 17.5A line and new has three 12v 18A lines and I strongly sure that one of this line dedicat...
I can replace a hard drive, graphics card, processor and ram blind folded. But after opening up this gaming cube, I’ve realized this is above my level of experience. I’ve replaced power supplies in regular desktops but this gaming cube is not regular and wi...
Before making the purchase, I would like to confirm if this external graphics card will be compatible with my laptop and if there are any additional components or setups (e.g., external GPU enclosures) that I would need to ensure proper functioning. I appreciate your guidance and help in ...
I have a M4N78 SE Motherboard which is compatible with most, if not all, Phenom CPUs. But i am unsure about the B97 since i have read is a Business CPU. I heard this CPU is quite overclockable so i would like to get it instead of a 945/965. I plan on buying a MSI 970 Gam...
Can anyone confirm whether any of the following AMD CPUs support resizable bar: Ryzen 5 3500, Ryzen 3 3300X, Ryzen 5 4100 (4000 series does not appear on Intel's page for some reason) I'm thinking of buying one of the three above and pair it with an A520 motherboard, like the ...
handle M.2 SATA SSD or M.2 NVMe SSD drives. You will have to abandon your video card in slot #23 and add the adapter card there. Then you will have to rely on the built in Graphics of the Processor SoC for video. Have a look atmy topic over here, where I did it for an X4...
Acer Aspire XC-1660G (U3E1)can i get a gt 1030 low profile in my motherboard and can it fit? Adriel345MemberPosts:9New User April 2022edited April 2022 Ive been looking for gt 1030 for a few months now and i think i can get the gt 1030 low profile because my case is small sm ...