“I do hope you’re not finding this caning arousing, Timothy. That would never do. It would make me very angry indeed. You wouldn’t want to make me angry again, would you?” “No definitely not, Auntie. Anything to keep you happy.” “Well six hard strokes on your bare bottom wi...
My whole body was a-quiver with anticipation and anxiety. My penis, rampant and straining, wrestled with my brain which was calling me back; but my penis had the mastery. I stayed in position and waited to be caned. The fierce sting of the first stroke was more intense than I ...
"My phobias began in my early teens with a fear of flying, and were coupled with depression and anxiety," she says. "My parents had split up and I lived with my father and stepmother - we didn't get on. This was no doubt at the root of my problems. "Things got even worse whe...
“To make me into a better boy?” “Exactly. Don’t move while I’m beating you.” I could feel the blood rushing in my ears and the thud of my heart in my chest. My whole body was a-quiver with anticipation and anxiety. My penis, rampant and straining, wrestled with my brain ...