None the less, many patients with cancer in this country follow the book's advice, often on the basis that it "at least can do no harm". While some patients may be aided to come to terms with their disease and to lead more fulfilling lives by taking up meditation and the positive ...
“What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured.”—Kurt Vonnegut We can relate to loneliness and have all felt it at one point or another. I h...
This time the man’s soft, irritatingly delightful voice pisses me off, but I remain polite, despite my anxiety rising. “No problem at all, in two hours, we have a bus that will take you right here; you can catch it at the corner of 34th street. Take a walk around the city in...
Sexual jealousy, unrequited love, social anxiety, depressive disorder and other viciously nasty Darwinian states of mind will persist for as long as humans retain our existing genetic make-up. I could explore the pros and cons of specific genetic interventions with you in depth; but if you don...
Doctors don't completely understand what causes bruxism, but it may be due to acombination of physical, psychological and genetic factors. Awake bruxism may be due to emotions such as anxiety, stress, anger, frustration or tension. Or it may be a coping strategy or a habit during deep conce...
When you meditate your posture should be correct. It is recommended that you sit cross-legged on a meditation cushion, as opposed to hanging out in any convenient posture. You sit properly. You have a straight spine; your breath doesn’t strain, and your neck doesn’t strain. So sit: up...
how much and how often to give these medications, what neurology thought could be causing the RLS (we still don’t know), the anxiety that this whole thing provoked, the depression from not having much of a life since my first CERT procedure back in April, my stomach hurting after I eat...
So, it should come as no surprise that mirthful laughter can combat depression as well as anxiety [source: Oz]. In the next section, we'll learn how people use laughter therapy to help control their health and manage illness. Laughter and Cancer Treatments Participants hamming it up at ...
I am only 24 years old. Since I can remember, I have suffered from severe depression and anxiety. My parents hated each other, belittled each other constantly, disrupting holidays and every day with their loud cursing and hateful arguments. As a child, as early as age 5 or 6, I would ...
Throughout my 20’s and early 30’s, I struggled with severe anxiety surrounding sleep. I was so tired of ‘sleep experts’ listing ways to get a ‘good night sleep,’ but none of it working for me. Deep breathing didn’t work. Meditation didn’t work. Relaxing routines became anxiety...