Objectives: To determine if Duplex ultrasound (DUS) 1 day after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) is prognostic for haemodynamic and clinical results at 1 year. Design: Prospective study. Patients and methods: Thirty-four femoropopliteal artery segments were treated with PTA. The peak systoli...
Treatments might contain drugs and health care procedures like coronary angioplasty. Once having a heart attack, cardiac rehab and lifestyle changes might allow you to regain. Also, untreated high blood pressure can be early signs of heart trouble. Get Quote *Ballpark TERM Quote Pre-Approved ...
Evaluation of femoropopliteal arteries with duplex ultrasound after angioplasty. Can we predict results at one year? Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 1996;12:418–423.Spijkerboer AM, Nass PC, de Valois JC, et al. Evaluation of femoro- popliteal arteries with duplex ultrasound after angioplasty. Can we...