"Green Dragon," set in California in 1975 in a Vietnamese refugee camp, tells the story of Tai Tran (Don Duong), who has the courage to introduce himself to Sergeant Jim Lance (Patrick Swayze), and manages to eventually improve conditions and communications in the camp. Released: 2...
This article discusses the narrative and cinematic strategies used by activist documentaries on migration to enhance the empathy of spectators for the experiences of refugees. Empathy is not simply an emotion but an intersubjective skill of accessing the world of others and sensing our human ...
An online form a foreign national may submit in order to express their interest in a particular immigration program. Submission of a profile allows a person to become a candidate in an immigration pool, but only those selected from the pool will be able to submit an official application. Proof...
Even before graduation, Harvard students play an important role in contributing to the public good. At Harvard Law School, every student **plete 40 hours of **munity legal services before graduating. Second-year law student Jessica Lewis recently helped a young male refugee gain a form of ...
【推荐1】An American teacher who helped make college education accessible to low-income, immigrant, first-generation American, and refugee (难民) pupils has won the $1 million Global Teacher Prize. Keishia Thorpe, an English teacher in Maryland, was selected from more than 8,000 teachers in 12...
A. Live for the moment. B. Dream big and climb high. C. After the storm comes the rainbow. D. Run after the light and become the light. C People have come to understand the enormous impacts—beneficial as well as harmful—plasti...
For blacks and other minorities, it means tying our own struggles for justice to the challenges that a lot of people in this country face – the refugee, the immigrant, the rural poor, the transgender American, and also the middle-aged white man who from the outside may seem like he’s...
Pranav Chopra, founder of NEMI Teas, says, “A’ huge driving force that drove me to set up NEMI Teas to tackle inequality amongst refugee communities in the UK is really well captured in this quote by Pierre Omidyar:’ Everyone is born equally capable but lacks equal opportunity. ‘ I’...
a美国一战宣战之初,威尔逊总统强调这场战争是“为了拯救世界的民主”。 Beginning an American war declares war, President Wilson emphasized this war is “in order to save the world the democracy”.[translate] a步骤一的 Step one[translate] aDo my friends often come to play with Mimi?Yes,it is. ...