Because if I hear of either of you giving any trouble whatsoever,” and here he paused and picked up the cane from Craig’s desk, “I’ll put so many stripes on your young bottom that you’ll have one giant weal from your sit spot to the top of your legs. Am I understood?” “...
There is an entire chapter of tape-recorded conversations showing how heroin dealers cope with money problems. how deals fall through. and how frustrating is the bus- iness of setting up a transaction with which everyone is happy. II is an eye- opener to find out how litrle and how much...
Winter 2018-19: The outdoor temperature got down to -27° F. The house temperature got down to 62° F…but they were away in Australia at the time. Nelson told me that if they had been home, they probably could have gotten the house up close to their setpoint with their body heat ...
2020年9月,中国向世界宣布了2060年前实现“碳中和”目标。“碳中和”是指某个国家、地区、或企业等,每年的人为活动直接或间接排放的二氧化碳,与其通过植树造林等形式吸收的二氧化碳相互抵消,实现二氧化碳的净零排放。下列做法不符合“碳中和”理念的是( )
I'd like to have something that pops-up when I need to be reminded of things, e.g. join meeting, call Dani, etc. Is there a program? Outlook's best option is "banner" setting. I'd like it to block whatever I am doing to get my attention. It'd be best if it allowed me to...