As a Autistic person I can say this, foods don’t affect us or make our Autism “worse”. Before you nut-jobs go off your rails, vaccines don’t cause Autism, foods don’t affect Autism, and we’re sick and tired of you idiots treating us as if we have Ebola or that we’re br...
“What clinicians usually do when kids with ADHD start having more severe symptoms is increase the dose of their treatment medication, if they are on one, or put them on medication,” Dr. Hatsu noted. “Our studies suggest that it is worthwhile to check the children’s access to food as ... heres a link and basically covers the whole basis sry willman adhd doesnt have anything to do with masterbating other than your mind is obsessed which is probably another disorder obsessive compulsive dissorder in short ocd masterbating does not cause any of your ...
What is chronic depression and anxiety? Is depression a physical illness? Does depression and anxiety get worse with age? Is depression a personality disorder? Is severe depression the same as major depression? Is a personality disorder a disability?
Does schizophrenia get worse without medication? Is borderline personality disorder narcissistic? What is mild schizophrenia? Can schizophrenia be hereditary? How serious is borderline personality disorder? Is anxiety a psychotic disorder? Is ADHD a psychotic disorder?
the neural patterns in their brain, that is not allowing them to handle the workload at school, pressure with friends, feeling good, making good food choices, having a normal sleep schedule, and so on. And to make it even harder to diagnose or differentiate, anxiety patterns can look diffe...
Since the start of the COVID pandemic, there has been more attention given to problems of mental ill-health including depression than ever before. A new therapeutic option, especially for depression, transcranial magnetic stimulation, is slowly helping t
We still do not have a clear idea about all of the mechanisms involved, and what is worse, research is divided, confusing and split between different areas of interests within medicine. However, the good news is that we know enough already to make informed and correct decisions and new ...
And to make matters even worse, society demands that you “get that kid under control,” so parents fight even harder still to control their child. And the parents begin to feel personally responsible for their child’s behavior. In the end, your child simply digs in his heels....
with this sound – as well a host of other micro sounds (and visuals for many of us) – that they cannot filter out. If they also feel like they have to deal with someone judging their reaction and internal struggle – however positive the intention – it’ll only make things worse. ...