Surgery requires a high degree of precision, speed, and concentration. Owing to the complexity of the modern world, traditional methods cannot meet these requirements. Therefore, in this study, we investigated students’ diagnostic skills in the Operating Room in the context of surgical instruments ...
One of the major challenges for discovering protein-protein interaction inhibitors is identifying selective and druggable binding sites at the protein surface. Here, we report an approach to identify a small molecular binding site to selectively inhibit
(2) If the diagnosis of asthma is in doubt, a test for reversible airflow obstruction (greater than a 15% increase in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEVI) following administration of an inhaled bronchodilator) or airway hyperactivity (exaggerated decrease in airflow induced by standard ...
CSubs were recruited through web-based announcements advertising the study as a survey on Internet pornography use (to avoid primary monetary motivations). Among 213 men, we selected 26 heterosexual individuals matched by age (the same year of birth), income (±15%) and handedness to each PPU...
Carballido J, Fourcade R, Pagliarulo A, Brenes F, Boye A, Sessa A, et al. Can benign prostatic hyper- plasia be identified in the primary care setting using only simple tests? Results of the Diagnosis IMprovement in PrimAry Care Trial. Int J Clin Pract 2011; 65(9):989-96. doi: ...
Patients exhibiting both large primary tumors at diagnosis and more than three metastatic axillary lymph nodes were included in this cohort. In contrast, the past few decades have seen a number of factors influence the shift in perspective, causing PMRT recommendations to become more adaptable. ...
Several regulated health insurance markets include the option for consumers to choose a voluntary deductible. An important motive for this option is to red
Once we obtained the ranking of the features based upon their importance, we aimed to understand what is the minimum number of features (and which features should be used) to still be able to perform an accurate prediction of the survival of patients. In fact, we want to provide a method...
Here, we addressed surrogate biomarkers such as the radiomics, which can be useful to explore the subchondral bone organization and maybe play a pivotal role in a true early diagnosis of the TMJ OA. We propose novel standardized data representation/processing, statistical learning, and interactive ...
Due to a lack of research on the critical non-coding RNAs in regulating ferroptosis, our study aimed to uncover the crucial ones involved in the process. We found that LINC01133 could make pancreatic cancer cells more resistant to ferroptosis. A higher e