adultswhonappedoftenweremorelikelytodevelophighbloodpressureandhaveastroke.But thatdoesn?t meanthenappingcausesthesehealthissues—instead,napping maybedueto unhealthybehaviors.Theresearchersfoundthatahighpercentageoffrequentnappersreported cigarettesmoking,dailydrinking,insomnia(失眠症)andotherfactorsthatcouldcontributeto...
A second stroke had him re-assessing his aunt’s capabilities as she very nearly sliced him in half, or so it seemed! Stroke three was less intense, although his aunt chuckled as the cane seemed to bounce off his pert mounds, leaving a fainter mark but still imparting a stinging caress....
Not all strokes cause the classic symptoms: weakness in an arm or leg, difficulties speaking, or drooping of one side of the mouth or another part of the face. You can have a stroke and not know it. These so-called silent strokes can result in no noticeable symptoms at all, but they...
Many stroke victims experience aphasia, the loss of speech or the inability to understand speech. Anomia, the inability to name things, is a subtype of aphasia. "The other thing that comes into play is memory and retrieving memory," said Cockroft. "It becomes difficult for stroke patients to...
Does diabetes cause peripheral artery disease? Can malnutrition cause vomiting? Can malnutrition cause miscarriage? Can malnutrition cause liver damage? Does diabetes cause coronary artery disease? Is diabetes a hereditary disease? Does diabetic ketoacidosis cause weight loss?
If you have the heart, it will cause coronary heart disease; a brain stroke will appear; see if it is clogged blood vessels, and will result in loss of vision, blindness; if you happen to be in the kidneys, causing kidney arteries, kidney failure, occurs in the lower extremities, pelvis...
if you experience any of the following symptoms while you are using transdermal estradiol: sudden, severe headache; sudden, severe vomiting; speech problems; dizziness or faintness; sudden complete or partial loss of vision; double vision; weakness or numbness of an arm or a leg; crushing ......
Temporary vision loss Some people with migraines experience a sensation—called an “aura”—before they develop a migraine. These sensations may include: Feelings of “brain fog” or confusion Seeing spots, unusual lines, or flashing lights Tingling or numbness in the face or han...
retina can be temporary or permanent and can also cause vision loss when a blockage disrupts blood flow in the eye. More specifically,Transient monocular vision loss(TMVL) is an important warning sign that should not be ignored because this complaint may predict risk for a major cardiovascular ...
A stroke is an interruption of the blood supply to part of the brain caused by either a blood clot (ischemic) or bleeding (hemorrhagic). Symptoms of a stroke may include weakness, numbness, double vision or vision loss, confusion, vertigo, difficulty speaking, or understanding speech. A physi...